Monthly Archives: January 2023

Could A Stillbirth Land You Behind Bars?
Despite the Supreme Court’s recent overturning of Roe v Wade, women in Nevada are living with some of the most liberal abortion laws in the country. Abortion in Nevada is legal, as long as the procedure occurs within a particular time frame. And even if you’re under the age of 18, you have an… Read More »

Fraud Can Be Costly
Five years behind bars and over $2.5 million: that’s the price one Nevada man paid for swindling the government out of money related to COVID relief in the past few years. The scam involved several businesses and purchases of vehicles, condos, and other luxuries for himself, all using loans designed to support struggling businesses… Read More »

Standing & Jurisdiction Issues In Lawsuits
It seems there are always wrongs to be righted in this country. But sometimes people seeking judicial interventions to perceived misdeeds find out that the rules to making allegations in a court of law make them ineligible to bring a case. In Nevada, that occurred over and over again as challengers tried to prove… Read More »

Freedom of Speech: What Is It For Your Work?
We hear about the right to free speech all the time. But do people understand that right—or the restrictions that could lead to legal trouble? Evidence is to the contrary. Case in Point: Alex Jones After Alex Jones spent 10 years filling the airwaves with deceptions about the Sandy Hook murders, a jury what… Read More »