The Miscarriage Of Justice Is Real: Consider These Cases

Finding justice in America can be difficult. Although some may believe the miscarriage of justice in this country ended with the Salem witch trials or mob lynchings in early America, the facts prove otherwise. In a system filled with humans, some lazy, some corrupt, some naïve, and some simply prone to errors—the opportunities for failed justice are myriad. History shows us just how fleeting justice can be.
The Case of Sam Sheppard
If you’ve seen The Fugitive, you’re somewhat familiar with the story of Sam Sheppard and the murder of his wife, who was pregnant at the time. Sheppard was convicted for the murder, but exonerated after appealing the case for six years. It turns out law enforcement was unwilling to consider a plethora of evidence that supported his innocence because they already had a theory and believed he was guilty. How often does that happen?
The Case of Dewey Bozella
Dewey Bozella was convicted of murdering a 92-year old woman and served 26 years in prison. Despite going before the parole board four times over the years, they declined to grant his petition for parole because he refused to admit guilt. When he was finally exonerated , it was because it was found that evidence of his innocence had been suppressed by prosecutors.
The Case of Darryl Burton
After spending 24 years behind bars for a murder he did not commit, Darryl Burton was freed. It seems that police had coached witnesses, prepared false reports, and suppressed descriptions provided by eyewitnesses that would have exonerated Burton.
The Case of Jimmy Ray Bromgard
When a police officer became convinced that Jimmy Ray Bromgard had committed a brutal rape of a young girl, he was on a mission to prove it. Despite a shaky identification by the victim, Bromgard was put on trial. The thing that cinched the verdict was faulty expert testimony about a hair sample examined under a microscope that linked him to the crime. He was sentenced to 40 years, and exonerated after 16 by DNA evidence that proved his innocence. Microscopic hair evidence, it seems, is better at excluding defendants than at identifying suspects.
The Case of the Roscetti Four
When four teens were accused of rape and murder, one gave a coerced confession. The rest were convicted based on expert testimony that DNA evidence could have belonged to them, despite the fact that none of the teens had the same blood type as that which was found at the scene. Nonetheless, they served 15 years each before being exonerated based on DNA evidence.
Fighting for Justice
At Lobo Law, our Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys are cognizant of the fact that a lot of things can go wrong in the quest for justice. That’s why we intensify our efforts to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients in every single case. To discuss your situation, schedule a confidential consultation in our office today.