Listen to Your Criminal Defense Lawyer and Try Las Vegas Drug Court

Drug addiction is a real problem here in Las Vegas and throughout the State of Nevada. It’s a problem that can influence a person to be careless about their own life and encourage behavior such as committing crimes like burglary or larceny. Most people committing crimes need help. This is the reason why when someone is arrested on drug charges, if eligible, they can participate in the Las Vegas Justice Court Drug Court Program. Below, we explain why you should listen to your criminal defense lawyer and give Las Vegas Drug Court a try.
What is Las Vegas Drug Court?
The State of Nevada began using drug courts in 1992 to help rehabilitate drug users. The Las Vegas Justice Court Drug Program is a treatment plan that serves as an alternative to jail or prison time for drug-related charges. The program carries major benefits for those who are eligible.
A skilled criminal defense attorney will be successful in referring you for the drug court program.
How Does it Work and How Can I Get a Referral?
Under Nevada Revised Statutes 453.3363, your Las Vegas criminal defense attorney will meet and confer with the prosecuting attorney and judge to handle the details. To get into the program, you will do the following:
- Enter a plea of guilty or no contest
- The judge declines to convict you and suspends the case, giving you probation
Once you are referred, the criteria to complete the program is not easy and the court will not tolerate non-compliance.
But once you complete the drug court program after a year, your case will be dismissed.
Benefits of Las Vegas Drug Court
The drug court program has rehabilitated thousands of people since its opening in 1992. Some of the benefits of Las Vegas Drug Court include:
- No jail or prison time
- No drug conviction
- The ability to carry on with a normal life
Drug Court is the Road to Redemption
An article by the Las Vegas Sun reveals that the program has a 79% compliance retention rate.
As of October 4, 2019, Jeremy Ramos, a former drug addict, is a graduate of the Las Vegas Drug Court Program. He is 18 months clean and sober and was awarded with a sobriety coin and graduation certificate.
Ramos admits that his journey wasn’t easy. He was given a choice of spending six months in jail or drug court. He chose drug court.
He says the drug court program does not cure addiction. Rather, it provides the tools and resources to not act on the impulses of the addiction.
Facing Drug-Related Charges? Call an Experienced Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney.
When you’re facing drug-related charges, contact Lobo Law. Adrian Lobo is a knowledgeable, yet aggressive Las Vegas criminal defense attorney. She will take time to review all aspects of your case and explore all of your options, including drug court. Call 702-290-8998 or contact Lobo Law online to schedule a consultation. When results matter the most, call Lobo Law.