Monthly Archives: January 2024

Resisting Arrest in Nevada
When the police determine that you need to go to jail and you don’t agree, your first instinct may be to resist their efforts. There may be 100 good reasons you think the cops are out of line, but none of them give you the right to fight back against officers who are trying… Read More »

Defending Vehicular Manslaughter or Homicide Charges in Nevada
Vehicular homicide: it’s a horrendous crime on so many levels. It means that as the person charged with the crime, you are responsible for someone’s death. No, you didn’t intend for things to turn out this way—maybe you were behaving stupidly, and things got out of control. But someone is now dead, and the… Read More »

Is Solitary Confinement a Good Idea?
Solitary confinement: some say it is the only way to control the most violent prisoners in this country. But the fact of the matter is that across America in the states that have reduced the use of solitary confinement, the rates of violence have actually declined. The Facts Over 100,000 prisoners in American institutions… Read More »